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Facial Fat Injections

As we age, we begin to lose volume in our face. Fat loss due to aging can be restored using fat injections, including plumping of the cheeks, eyelids, eyebrows, and chin, and lower face. Fat injection techniques use fat from your own body (typically taken from the abdomen or thighs), so there is no allergic reaction risk and the substance is very natural for your body and your results.

Reasons for Considering Facial Fat Injections

  • Areas of depression in the skin
  • Cheek volumization
  • Non-surgical facelift
  • Volume addition to eyelids and eyebrows

Procedure Description
Facial fat injections alone can be performed in the office. They are also commonly performed in conjunction with surgical facelift procedures in the operating room.

The fat will be typically harvested from your abdomen or thighs, placed into sterile syringes, and injected into the desired areas in the face. If done in the office, this can be done under local anesthetic.

  • Anesthesia: Local if done in the office, general or sedation if done in the operating room as part of another procedure
  • Length of surgery: 1 hour
  • Length of stay: Outpatient (home the same day)

Recovery Process and Final Result

  • Back to work: 2 to 7 days
  • Exercise: May be resumed in 1 to 2 weeks
  • Discomfort: Very mild
  • Swelling: Mild to Moderate
  • Bruising: Common, generally resolves within 7 to 10 days

Much of the effect of fat injections may be seen immediately. However, the appearance will change as swelling resolves. Fat take is unpredictable and repeat injections may be necessary.