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For a More Flattering Physique
Reasons for Considering Liposuction

  • If you have excess subcutaneous fat or loose skin which doesn’t improve with diet and exercise.
  • If you wish to change the contours of your body. Commonly involved areas are the front part of your neck (under the chin), upper arms and armpits, male chest/breasts, trunk, abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, inner knees, calves, and ankles.
  • If you are near normal weight and desire permanent contour changes.

Procedure Description
Liposuction gives a permanent improvement in the contour and proportion of the treated areas as well as a more flattering figure or physique, in or out of your clothing. Small suction cannulas are inserted through very short incisions placed in inconspicuous locations near the fat deposits, and excess fat is removed. Improved techniques now allow larger amounts of fat removal.

  • Anesthesia: General or sedation (depends on the size of the procedure)
  • Length of stay: Outpatient (home the same day)

FAQ's about Liposuction

Insurance Information
This procedure is considered cosmetic and therefore is not covered by your insurance.