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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

For a Smoother, Flatter Abdomen
Reasons for Considering a Tummy Tuck

  • You have loose or sagging abdominal wall skin or muscles frequently associated with significant weight loss or pregnancy.
  • You are unable to tighten abdominal wall skin with exercise.

Procedure Description
Standard abdominoplasty tightens all of your abdominal wall skin and muscles.

  • Anesthesia: Local or general
  • Length of stay: Outpatient (home the same day). Or might have 1 overnight stay in the hospital.

Other Options For Your Consideration
Extended abdominoplasty tightens your abdomen and flanks or sides (longest scar extending around the flanks onto your lower back).

Insurance Information
This procedure is considered cosmetic and therefore is not covered by your insurance.