When you donate or share, you will be entered to win one of our prizes from our prize pool. Our prize pool consists of Fitbits, a massage and a game-day experience with the Chicago Blackhawks for a home game.
How to Enter:
Donate $10 or more to the Kellogg Cancer Center and you’ll get two (2) entries to our prize pool.
Donate Now
- Or -
Share on social! When you share your photo, you will get one (1) entry to our prize pool for every hashtag used. What you can share on social:
- You (and some friends!) in some mustaches! Guys, it can be yours and ladies grab a mustache sticker.
How to share on social:
- Share your photo on
, or
- Mention @NorthShoreWeb and use the hashtag #Staches4NorthShore.
- Make sure your profile or your post is public in order to be seen and entered.
- That’s it!

All submitted photos are reviewed by the NorthShore Marketing and Corporate Communications team. The team may reach out to you for more information or use your photo for campaign promotion or to alert you that you are our prize winner. View the full Rules and Conditions »