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Occasional Breast Pump Use

Not all breastfeeding mothers will need to use a breast pump.  Pumping may be necessary if a mother and baby are separated for a number of hours, or if the mother wishes to give pumped breastmilk by bottle.

Choosing a Breastpump

There are many different types of pumps available, each of which may be appropriate depending on the mother’s needs. 

Some of the features to consider when choosing a breast pump:

  • double vs. single pumping
  • power source (manual, battery, car adapter, ac adapter)
  • weight
  • adjustable cycle/suction settings
  • price

The following are some recommended breast pumps:

When to Pump

It is recommended that you do exclusive breastfeeding for at least 3-4 weeks to assure that an adequate milk supply is established. 

Regular pumping will help to increase your milk supply over time, so don’t be discouraged if you only pump small amounts initially.

Try pumping when your baby:

  • Skips a feeding
  • Only nurses on one side
  • Nurses a shorter time than usual

Other times to pump:

  • In the morning when your milk supply is plentiful
  • Midway between feedings

Be flexible: pumping takes time and practice

Suggestions for Introducing a Bottle

  • Offer the bottle before the baby becomes overly hungry
  • Wrap the baby or the bottle in a piece of the mother’s clothing (for example, a blouse or nightgown.)
  • Don’t push the nipple into the baby’s mouth, rather allow the baby to pull the nipple into his mouth
  • Try different types of bottle nipples (We recommend trying the Avent feeding bottle first.)
  • Try different feeding positions: either facing toward or away from the person feeding the baby.
  • Feed the baby while moving rhythmically: moving, rocking, or swaying from side to side
  • Offer the bottle when mother is out of the house