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Feeding Difficulties

Attempt to breastfeed every 2-3 hours

  • Watch for light sleep cues such as yawning, stretching, bringing hands to mouth, rooting.

Position yourself and the baby in a comfortable position

  • Football or cross cradle gives you the best control of the baby’s head

Review Proper Latch-on Techniques 

  • Baby has a wide mouth, taking in as much of the areola as possible
  • Baby’s top and bottom lip are flared

Look for the following signs to know that your baby has breastfed well

  • You feel your nipple/areola being pulled and released as the baby sucks
  • Listen for swallowing sounds, especially after your milk comes in
  • Your breasts will be softer after the feeding, once your milk comes in
  • Baby’s mouth will open and shut in a strong gliding jaw movement

If the baby does not nurse well, a supplement of expressed breastmilk or formula may need to be given

  • Your pediatrician will recommend the amount of supplement to be given
  • The supplement may be given by any one of the following methods:
    1. Supplemental nursing system at the breast, or on the finger (finger-feeding)
    2. Infant feeding bottle

If the baby is not latching effectively, it is recommended that you use a hospital-grade (rental) electric breastpump

  • Pumping stimulates the hormones, which tell your body to produce breastmilk
  • Pump for 15-20 minutes following each breastfeeding attempt (8-12 times in 24 hours)

Keep a diary of feedings, wet and dirty diapers (Breastfeeding Diary)

  • If your infant is not meeting the recommended guidelines, contact your pediatrician