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Magnetic resonance arteriography and venography are minimally invasive imaging techniques that use a scanner which projects magnetic field radio waves in order to create images of the arteries and veins. These images assist in diagnosing vascular abnormalities without the use of X-ray technology; no radiation is required.

How to Prepare for an MRA/MRV scan

  • If you have any allergies, are taking medication, blood thinners, have claustrophobia, or are pregnant please notify the staff.
  • Remove jewelry and other metal accessories.
  • You will be assisted by a technologist who is in a connected room during the procedure. They can communicate with you via microphone.
  • You’ll be lying on a radiographic table throughout the procedure. If you experience discomfort, you may ask for a pillow or blanket. The staff can also provide headphones which will play music during the scan.
  • If the scan requires contrast dye, you should not eat 4-6 hours before the procedure. The dye is injected through an IV into your veins. You may feel a warm sensation, but should not feel pain.
  • Coils (antennas used to direct the energy) are placed around the area that needs imaging.

What to Expect

  • The bed rises and moves you through the tunnel-shaped machine. As images are taken, the machine makes a series of bumping and humming noises.
  • You may be asked to hold your breath in order to remain still during the scan.

What to Expect after an MRA/MRV scan

  • You will wait on the table until your technologist confirms that the images are successful. You can leave afterwards, and return to your regular activities.
  • Your interventional radiologist will discuss the results with your primary care or referring physician, who will consult with you about the next steps in your treatment process.

For More Information

For more information on MRA/MRV scans, or to schedule an appointment with an interventional radiologist, please call 847.570.2160.