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Other Arterial Conditions

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Compression to the nerves and/or arteries and veins in and around the collarbone can lead to the development of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS). Sometimes the result of trauma or repetitive motion injuries, TOS may result in neck and shoulder pain and/or tingling sensations in the arms down to the fingers.

A conservative approach of physical therapy and over-the-counter pain medication often works well to relieve TOS. If the condition doesn’t improve, surgery may be recommended.

Peripheral & Visceral Aneurysms

Weakened blood vessel walls can give rise to aneurysm development in any part of the body. Aortic aneurysms are among the most common arterial conditions. Less common aneurysms include peripheral arterial aneurysms that can occur in the arteries of the neck, arms or legs and visceral aneurysms found in the arteries of the abdominal cavity that transport blood to vital organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys.

Depending on their size, aneurysms are at risk for bursting or rupturing without proper medical attention or treatment by skilled experts such as vascular surgeons.

Temporal Arteritis

Temporal Arteritis, inflammation of arteries located around the temple, can cause a variety of symptoms including a throbbing headache, scalp tenderness, jaw pain and blurred vision. In rare instances, blindness or stroke could result without prompt and preventative medical treatment.

In most cases, oral corticosteroid medications will be prescribed to relieve symptoms and prevent potential vision loss.