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Videonystagmography (VNG)

About Vestibular Evaluations

Videonystagmography (VNG) testing is an assessment of balance function, which includes a series of tests that can assist in determining the cause of vertigo, disequilibrium and dizziness. The vestibular system, which is located in the inner ear, is indirectly assessed by recording eye movements through infrared goggles worn throughout the evaluation. Test results indicate if the vestibular system is responsible for causing dizziness and balance problems.


VNG assessments are comprised of three parts:

  • Ocular testing – Includes a series of short tasks which evaluate an individual’s ability to focus on stationary and moving targets
  • Positional testing – The individual will be asked to move their head and body into various positions, such as looking toward the right or laying on the right side of his/her body, while the audiologist looks for abnormal eye movements.
  • Caloric testing – To stimulate the inner ears, a series of cool and warm air is directed into the ear canal. Eye movements occur in response to the stimulation and are recorded to ensure the vestibular system in both the right and left ears is functioning appropriately.