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Brain MRI

At NorthShore, we are dedicated to providing our patients with collaborative MRI imaging care. When it comes to matters of the head or brain, our team understands the importance of offering sophisticated imaging expertise in partnership with your physician-managed care plan.

Currently MRI is the most sensitive imaging test for the head and for the brain in routine clinical practice. Our specialized radiology team works in collaboration with your referring physician to analyze and discuss the scan as well as coordinate any further needed radiology studies. This seamless, expert approach to your care can be easily managed by your physician and radiology team through our integrated electronic medical record system.

A brain MRI is a specialized, computer-guided procedure that combines the use of a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the head and brain. This noninvasive test can help identify tumors, cysts and other problems in the brain or head, including bleeding, infection or swelling.

What are Some of the Common Brain MRI Uses? 

MRI scanning of the brain is typically used to detect:     

  • Brain tumors
  • Developmental anomalies of the brain
  • Vascular anomalies of the head
  • Disorders of the eye and the inner ear
  • Disease in the pituitary gland 
  • Certain chronic disorders of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis

A brain MRI can also help guide the planning of surgery or radiation therapy of the brain.

What to Expect?

A brain MRI procedure usually takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete. Depending on the unique patient case, an injection of contrast dye may be given to help see the blood vessels and finer structures of the brain. 

How to Prepare for a Brain MRI

Aside from removing all metal (jewelry, glasses, watched, etc.), there is no preparation necessary for this test. In order to ensure your safety, you will be asked to fill out a screening form prior to the test.

Note: Patients with pacemakers and some other implants will not be eligible for this exam. 

How Will I Learn the Results? 

A board-certified neuroradiologist will review and analyze the images in partnership with your referring physician. This highly collaborative approach lets our experts best guide treatment options.

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule a brain MRI appointment, please call 888.364.6400.