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GI Bleeding Scan / Tagged RBC Scan


  • Localization of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding sites
  • Localization of non-gastrointestinal bleeding sites

GI Bleeding Scan Preparation

There are no restrictions for a GI Bleeding Scan / Tagged RBC Scan.

GI Bleeding Scan Procedure

During the GI Bleeding Scan / Tagged RBC Scan, a small amount of blood will be drawn from a vein in your arm. In the nuclear medicine lab your blood will be mixed with a radioactive tracer for 30 minutes. When your blood is ready you will lie on your back on the imaging table, with the camera positioned above and below your abdomen. The injection of radioactive tracer mixed with your blood will be injected into a vein in your arm. Pictures of your abdomen will start immediately, lasting for approximately one hour or longer, looking for an area of bleeding in the intestinal tract.