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Media Multitasking: Doubling Up on Devices, Effective or Harmful?

Monday, February 17, 2020 2:10 PM

By: Lauren McRae

Do you ever catch yourself scrolling through your tablet while you watching TV? Or checking your smartphone’s messages when you are on your computer?

Using too many Devices


This media multitasking might seem like an effective way to use your time, but this “second-screening” phenomenon—using more than one digital device at a time—is actually quite harmful. Research shows it can lead to anxiety and depression, shortened attention spans and a higher risk for obesity.

To help you back off your double-dipping media habits try these three tips:

  1. Pick a lane. Choose one form of media and stick with it. That means if you’re watching TV, put your phone away.
  2. Unplug often. Set aside time every day that’s designated tech-free. Soon, you’ll find yourself reaching for it less often.
  3. Keep it old-school. The next time you feel bored, resist the temptation to stare at a screen and grab something non-digital instead, such as a book, puzzle, or deck of cards.