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Arthritis Pain – Methods for Treatment

There are many supplements on the market to help treat and relieve arthritis pain—some more widely accepted and used than others. One of the more common supplements, glucosamine, has become a popular treatment option, but has also been under some debate about its effectiveness.

Leslie Mendoza Temple, MD, Director of the Integrative Medicine program, says that clinically she has seen that glucosamine and chondroitin with MSM has been helpful for treating arthritic pain. However, she also recommends that if you have concerns you can go off of it. If your arthritis pain comes back and you haven’t done anything differently, you can always go back on it.  It can have interactions with medications like the blood thinner, warfarin, so be sure to check with your doctor whether you may safely take this supplement.

She also provides some tips and recommendations for alternative treatment methods of mild-to- moderate arthritis:

  • Use herbs like turmeric and ginger regularly in your cooking. Turmeric can be made into a thick paste with sea salt and water, and applied to the outside of the joint for at least 10 minutes as needed or daily.  This acts as a cool compress to reduce an inflamed or achy joint.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (from fish oil or ground flaxseeds) have an anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent for heart health.  
  • Vitamin D is very important for bone density and can help with body pain when replaced in deficient individuals. Note that it is possible to overdose on Vitamin D, so you should consult with your physician for advice on vitamin D dosing.
  • Try drinking sour cherry juice daily because it can take the edge off of arthritis pain. Flavor the tart beverage with a small amount of sweetener like Stevia or other fruit juice if necessary. Tart cherry juice is available in grocery and health food stores. 
  • Reduce your refined sugar intake.  
  • Keep your weight in check and exercise regularly.  
  • Pain is often associated with your mind – body connection. Be sure that you are sleeping well and managing stress in a healthy way.

What methods do you employ to reduce pain? Have you seen a connection between your lifestyle (diet, sleep and stress levels) with your pain?