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Menopause and Sexuality: Sex Problems & Concerns

Mainly affecting women over the age of 30, sexuality concerns, such as decreased libido and vaginal dryness, can greatly impact quality of life and relationships for women of all ages. Fortunately, several treatment methods are available, depending on symptoms. The NorthShore Women’s Sexual Health Program will carefully evaluate each patient's particular issues and empower patients to make informed choices about treatment options.

Treatment methods for common sex problems include:

  • Changing prescriptions – Certain drugs can cause a decrease in libido for women. By reviewing your prescriptions, your physician will be able to pinpoint a possible cause and recommend an alternative medication.
  • Lifestyle changes – Physical inactivity, chronic sleep deprivation and strained social relationships can all impact libido.
  • Testosterone – When ovaries are removed due to a medical condition, testosterone levels can decrease, lowering libido. Low doses of testosterone can help restore levels.
  • Vaginal estrogen – Vaginal estrogen can treat vaginal dryness that may cause pain during intercourse.

For More Information

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 847.941.7600.