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Osteoporosis Screening & Risk Factors

Women over the age of 65 are at higher risk for hip fracture and developing osteoporosis, a disease that thins bones and makes them easier to break. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help prevent the bone damage caused by osteoporosis.

To help protect against osteoporosis, take the following actions:

  • Eat foods high in calcium and Vitamin D or take supplements
  • Engage in regular weight bearing exercise
  • Quit smoking
  • Address factors that could make falling easier, such as obstacles in the home or poor eyesight

Osteoporosis Risk Factors

After the age of 65, women should begin having bone density screenings for osteoporosis. If you are at higher risk due to certain factors, it may be recommended that you begin screenings at an earlier age. If your osteoporosis screening shows any abnormalities, screenings every two years may be necessary to properly monitor the disease.

Osteoporosis risk factors include:

  • Chronic use of certain medications, such as steroids
  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • Medical conditions
    • Vitamin D deficiency
    • Renal disorder
    • Thyroid or parathyroid disorder
    • Poor nutrition
    • Preexisting hip fracture

Following an abnormal result on a screening, a weekly or monthly pill can be prescribed to assist in preserving bone density. Yearly IVs are also a treatment option for certain patients. If your osteoporosis stems from a secondary cause, such as a medical condition, your physician will prescribe additional medication to treat the accompanying disorder.

For More Information

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 847.570.5020.