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Forensic Evaluation

Medical Toxicology at NorthShore offers comprehensive forensic evaluations for both patients and organizations to detect poisons and toxins, report on findings and interpret any relevant data.

We have a multi-tiered process for our forensic evaluations to provide timely, unbiased evidence supporting an opinion with regards to a particular occurrence. The first step in this process is to gather and analyze all relevant background information. We will work in partnership with law enforcement, legal teams, industrial hygienists, and lab or medical examiners to ensure that all applicable data is available and properly evaluated.

Our team will consider the following questions during this exploratory phase:

  1. What is currently being done in the investigation?
  2. Who has been involved?
  3. What is the expected or predicted outcome?
  4. Did the exposure cause a problem?

Upon further analysis, if necessary, we will pursue next steps. This may involve running further tests and examinations to confirm the presence of poisons or toxins, relating key observations to other designated parties or testifying in court on behalf of the patient or organization.

View our most common forensic evaluation services.

For more information or to schedule a forensic evaluation, call Julie Licata at 847.657.1700.