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Vision Problems

At the NorthShore Eye and Vision Center, our board-certified staff of ophthalmologists provides extensive expertise in diagnosing the causes of vision problems in both children and adults. Our team collaborates to find the best corrective treatment options, which include prescription eyewear, medication, laser treatments and surgical procedures. As many of our patients are dealing with long-term conditions, we work to make every appointment comfortable and convenient.

Symptoms of Vision Problems
While each condition has recognizable differences, symptoms commonly observed with vision problems are:

  • Blurred or double vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Difficulty focusing or reading
  • Floaters or spots in vision
  • Eye strain or pain
  • Headaches
  • Changes in vision dependent on time of day
  • Difficulty seeing in dim light
  • The need to squint, close one eye or adjust head positioning to see an object

Screening and Diagnosis for Vision Problems
Vision problems can be detected during a standard eye exam, with the use of the following:

Vision Problems We Treat
The Department of Ophthalmology treats a range of conditions associated with vision loss, including:

  • Astigmatism - The imperfect curvature of the cornea or lens, which does not allow light to pass through the eye properly, causing blurred vision. 
  • Farsightedness (Hyperopia) – The inability to clearly see objects that are up close. This is usually diagnosed during childhood.
  • Nearsightedness (Myopia) – A condition in which the eyes aren’t able to focus on objects at a distance.
  • Presbyopia – Age-related vision loss caused by thinning lenses, which makes it more difficult for the eyes to focus.
  • Strabismus – Also known as crossed-eyes, when the eyes are not focused in the same direction as a result of weak eye muscles. This normally develops in childhood as a result of nerve damage or injury.
  • Lazy eye (Amblyopia) – Condition in which the brain favors one eye, causing the other to be weaker and unable to see properly. This is commonly diagnosed in young children.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy – A chronic condition that occurs when blood vessels in the eye become weak, causing leakage or scarring, which can lead to vision loss, retinal detachment or swelling (macular edema). This is associated with changes in blood levels caused by diabetes.
  • Color Blindness – The eye’s inability to tell the difference between different color pigments caused by faulty cones within the retina. This is usually genetic, and lifelong.

Treatment Options for Vision Problems
To ensure that all of our patients are able to live their daily lives without severe interference caused by vision problems, we provide the latest options for treating conditions affecting vision, as well as continual guidance on corrective prescriptions. In addition to glasses, contact lenses and eye patches, our team also offers the following procedures:

  • LASIK – Our Lasik Suite uses an all-laser treatment, creating a small flap in the cornea to remove tissue and reshape the cornea.
  • Keratectomy (PRK) – A laser procedure to remove a layer of tissue from the cornea in order to reshape it.
  • Vitrectomy – The surgical removal of the vitreous (the gel-like substance that fills the eye), which is replaced with solution. This is used to treat vision problems caused by symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, foreign bodies or inflammation.
  • Photocoagulation – Using a laser to close abnormal blood vessels caused by diabetic retinopathy, preventing further leakage.
  • Eye Muscle Surgery – A procedure used to adjust the position of the eye muscles to realign vision of patients with strabismus.

Research & Clinical Trials for Vision Problems
The Eye and Vision Center’s research team is always working to find the best treatment options to prevent or delay vision loss and correct vision problems. One of our current clinical trials focuses on therapies used to treat macular edema, a symptom of diabetic retinopathy. Researchers are examining the results of injections and laser eye treatments to determine the response an affected eye will have. This will allow us to understand the best approach to actively treating retinal swelling, reduce patient discomfort and avoid the risk of more serious symptoms.

For More Information
For more information on vision problems, or to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist, please contact 224.251.2020.