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Brain Health Quiz

This quiz is based on factors that research has implicated as increasing risk for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. This web-based quiz is intended for educational purposes only.

Please answer all of the questions.

Does or did anyone in your family have Alzheimer's disease or dementia?

Have you tested positive for an Alzheimer's disease gene?

Does (or did) anyone in your family have Parkinson's disease?

Have you tested positive for a Parkinson’s disease gene?

Have you had a concussion (head injury with loss of consciousness or disorientation, confusion, or memory loss)?

Have you had repeated blows to the head (e.g. from sports, military service or physical abuse)?

On average do you sleep less than six hours a night?

Do you frequently act out your dreams (e.g. talk, shout, scream, kick, hit, punch)?

Did you reach menopause (complete cessation of menstrual periods for one year) before age 45 (naturally, not due to surgery)?

Have you had surgical removal of one or both ovaries before age 45?

Do you have heart problems?

Do you have high blood pressure?

Have you had a stroke?

Do you have diabetes?

Do you have high cholesterol?

Are you obese (body mass index ≥ 30)?

Do you currently smoke?

On average do you have more than two drinks of alcohol (e.g. wine, beer, liquor) a day?

Have you been diagnosed by a doctor or treated for depression?

Did you complete less than 12 years of school?

Are you sedentary (physically inactive)?

Do you eat red meat, fatty (or "fast") foods, sugary foods (or drinks) or white bread daily?

Are you worried about your brain health?


By clicking “Submit Quiz” you agree to the following:
I hereby release NorthShore University HealthSystem and all employees and any other individuals associated with the Brain Health Quiz (risk assessment tool), or associated with any information provided at this website, from any and all liability that may arise.

I understand:

  • The risk assessment is not a diagnostic tool and is not a substitute for a physician exam.
  • The assessment is to be considered preliminary only, and in no way conclusive.
  • The responsibility for a clinical physical examination lies with me.
  • I am responsible for my own health, and it is my responsibility to follow up on any identified risk factors by obtaining appropriate medical attention and advice.

Submit Quiz

You indicated that you are worried about your brain health. Please discuss your concerns with your primary care physician. If you would like to discuss your concerns with a brain health expert, you can call 847.503.4224 for an appointment.

You have indicated that you have one or more risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Please discuss your possible risk factors with your primary care physician. If you would like to consult with a brain health expert, please call 847.503.4224 for an appointment.

According to your answers, you do not have any of these risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease. We suggest taking the Brain Health Quiz once a year.