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Grateful For You: Sterile Processing Lead Tech is Always Willing to Take on a Challenge

Tuesday, March 08, 2022 8:36 AM

Sterile Processing Lead Technician DeVese Boseman-Yancey is a “lead by example kind of person,” said Sterile Processing Manager Embry Alvarez. “She’s always looking to learn something new and she likes to take on challenges.”

Boseman-Yancey has had a long career with NorthShore and the Sterile Processing Department (SPD) at Evanston Hospital. After her first 10 years with the team, Boseman-Yancey and her husband bought a house that left her with a much longer commute. She took a position with another hospital closer to home—but after two years, she made her way back to NorthShore.

“I just wasn’t happy there. The people here made me feel appreciated,” said Boseman-Yancey who has been with the SPD for another 14 years, challenging commute and all. The SPD’s work is a critical element of surgical success, though the behind-the-scenes nature of the work means the team does not always attract high-level attention.

Boseman-Yancey helps train staff and is one of the key points of contact for the Operating Room team. “I love that my work is helping people in the OR,” she said. “People at Evanston Hospital really care. We want to make sure that the patient has the best possible outcome. It’s been a great experience working here.”