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Healthy You

Home and Herbal Remedies to Help with Common Problems

Saturday, April 27, 2019 7:00 AM

By: Lauren McRae

We don’t always have time in our busy lives to go to the doctor or pharmacy for common ailments (such as a cold, flu or upset stomach). In many cases you can help relieve symptoms with herbal remedies and treatment methods at home.

Leslie Mendoza Temple, MD, a NorthShore Integrative Medicine physician offers some at-home tips to help cure common illnesses:

  • Common cold/congestion/sinusitis:
    Place a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on a warm, wet washcloth. Fold the washcloth over and breathe in the vapors. Dropping some of the oil in the shower or bath creates a steambath that can soothe irritated airways. Avoid this if you’re sensitive to eucalyptus or dislike the scent.
  • Sore throat and spastic cough:
    Ingest a teaspoon of raw, locally sourced honey during a coughing fit or dilute it in hot water and drink frequently to soothe inflamed tissues in the throat. (Not recommended for children under the age of one year.)
  • Upset stomach:
    Place a warm water bottle on belly and perform a “Hara” abdominal massage. Start at the bottom right of your belly, move hands gently up under the right rib cage. Then move hands across to the left under the rib cage, and move them down the left abdomen to the lower middle of the belly. Drinking fennel, chamomile or licorice tea liberally will help soothe the stomach and aid hydration.
  • Cold sores
    Soak a Q-tip with licorice root extract (in glycerin base, not alcohol base) and apply the Q-tip directly to the lesion at the first tingling sensation. Do not touch the dropper to a used Q-tip. Dab liberally and often until resolved. This may also be used in the genital area during herpes outbreaks.
  • Mild, first-degree burns (skin is intact)
    Apply the juice and gel from an aloe vera leaf directly on the burn. To soothe the skin, alternate with calendula cream or ointment.
  • Diaper rash or irritated genital tissues
    Mix an A & D ointment or thick diaper cream with equal parts of calendula cream or an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream into the palm of your hand and apply to irritated tissues twice daily. Do not use the hydrocortisone cream for longer than two weeks at a time. The A&D and calendula creams may be used long-term.

What home remedies do you use? Have you ever tried any of these home remedies?